Well, we did it! RuPaul’s Drag Race reached new heights in its season 9 premiere with it’s highest ratings ever, and let’s not forget it’s also on a new network (Heyyy VH1, gurl). But no-one is talking about this major accomplishment, as everyone is more upset at who VH1 cast as the co-host to its new pre-show for “Fierce Friday’s”: Ms. Wendy Williams!

The LGBT community is in an uproar because some feel as if “Ms. How-You-Doin” isn’t actually considered an ally. She nearly kicking out noted NYC drag queen/entertainer Erickatoure Aviance in a 2009 episode of “The Wendy Williams Show” due to her showing up in full drag to watch the popular talk show. Not only are fans outraged but former queens from “Drag Race” have publicly voiced their feelings about it. Detox rushed to social media and said, “Wendy Williams should not be hosting the RuPaul’s Drag Race viewing party on VH1. She is NOT an ally. She is transphobic. If anything, she is an ENEMY. An enemy profiting off our community. Fuck. That.” And momma bear to the show, Michelle Visage, agreed with Detox underneath the post as well.

Now, we will say this: the show has a strict dress code and it’s stated in the email you receive once you get your ticket, and it also says it on their website as well: “Think trendy…think stylish…think chic! Bright colors look best on TV and we ask that you refrain from wearing white, floral prints and patterns. Absolutely no hats, sunglasses, costumes, shirts with logos/writing, shorts, or casual tank tops will be permitted.”
Now, Erickatour has done a Youtube video and talked about the whole encounter. In the interview, she states that they told her they don’t allow you to wear costumes on set and that they’ll allow her to stay and watch the show, but she’ll have to sit where the cameras won’t be able to see her. My opinion here is that drag is a form of entertainment and, as a fellow drag queen/king performer, we don’t live our everyday lives as our alter-ego personality. So, in fact, it falls into the category of a costume. And from working in the film and television industry there is a reason as to why you can’t wear costumes on such shows like The Wendy Williams Show, The View, The Talk, and etc., due to it being a huge distraction on camera.
But, as always, we would love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Tell us what you think: should Wendy stay or should she go?
Also, watch Erickatour’s video below about the whole incident.
What do you think?